mipos 3erete ama iparxoun scripts gia to game?? osi dne 3eroun ti ine ta scripts ine ergalia pou voi8oun tin e3eli3i tou pexnidiou.
mipos 3erete ama iparxoun scripts gia to game?? Osi dne 3eroun ti ine ta scripts ine ergalia pou voi8oun tin e3eli3i tou pexnidiou.
javascript:var bagworth=0; for(var p in Bag.getInstance().items) { bagworth = bagworth + Bag.getInstance().items[p].get_sell_price(); } var bagbought=bagworth*2; alert("Your inventory would sell for: $" + bagworth + "\n\nTo buy it all you would need to pay: $" + bagbought); end();
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